STRIKES, even when small and weak, constitute breaks of the workers with capitalism. They are living refutations of the time-worn conservative trade union slogan that the interests of capital and labor are identical. They are expressions of the irreconcilable quarrel between the workers and the employers over the division of the workers’ products. They are skirmishes in the great class war, foreshadowings of the final struggle which will abolish capitalism. During strikes, workers are in an especially militant and rebellious mood. They are then highly receptive of revolutionary ideas. It is then above all that they can and must be taught the full implications of their struggle. To rouse the class consciousness of the workers and to educate them to understand the class struggle and the historic mission of the working class is always a first consideration in strike strategy. Strikes are of many kinds and characters. Losovsky lists 13 types, as follows : Spontaneous, organized, o...
A blog archiving the history of struggle-based, rank-and-file led, militant trade unions through pamphlets, photos & other union ephemera. This blog focuses on C.I.O. unions (1935-1955), and the American "Left's" involvement in social movements. An injury to one is an injury to all!