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Showing posts from June, 2018

United Auto Workers - CIO Local 230 (Los Angeles, CA) - Matchbook Cover

UAW Local 230 - Los Angeles, CA - Chrysler Plant

Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America - CIO - 1941 Dues & Working Card

"STRIKE DELAYS RETURN OF THOUSANDS OF VETS" - Saipan Beacon October, 12th 1945

WW2 leaflet News Bulletin, just one month after the end of the war. "NEW YORK, (via radio) - The crippling strike of almost 60,000 longshoremen is delaying the return of "thousands of troops" according to Captain Hewlett Bishop of the War Shipping Administration. the world's busiest harbor was virtually idle again today, the 10th day of the walkout in a union dispute over new contracts. Thousands of tons of cargo went unmoved as 369 ships were tied up. The strike, said Captain Hewlett Bishop of the War Shipping Administration, was delaying the return of "thousands of troops" and 17 Liberty ships were ordered to leave their cargo behind and sail for Europe immediately to pick up returning servicemen. In London British troops were unloading food cargoes from approximately 300 ships tied up by the countries most paralyzing dock strike since 1926.  The unauthorized walkout which threatened a critical food shortage, started at Liverpool more...

"PONTIAC RENT STRIKE THREATENS TO SPREAD" - UAW No. 159 CIO - Tenants Union -1937 Press Photo

"PONTIAC RENT STRIKE THREATENS TO SPREAD In this building at Pontiac, Mich. is housed the headquarters of one of the newest strike movements that may become nationwide before long. It is the headquarters of a United Automobile Workers Local, and also serves as central quarters for the Pontiac Tenants Union. The plan of the union calls for all members, whether satisfied or disatisfied renters, to withhold payment of their rent while an effort would be made to establish a scale of rents based on a dollar a month on each $1000 of assessed valuation of the property rented. Members were urged to bank each month the amount of their rent, so as to be ready to pay when adjustment was made. The union further plans to aid every tenant to contest his case in court after refusal of the rent compels the landlord to bring eviction action. 6/4/37" 

United Furniture Workers of America Local No. 259 CIO - 1946 By Laws

"Recognizing that organization is necessary for the betterment of the conditions of the workers in the Furniture industry and allied trades, and for the the establishment of the principle of collective bargaining with the employers, therefore we have organized Local No. 259, United Furniture Workers of America, affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. Local No. 259 is established on the principle of industrial unionism and the unity and solidarity of all furniture and allied trades workers, regardless of their crafts. We welcome into our organization all such workers regardless of race, creed, color or political belief."

International Fisherman & Allied Workers of America CIO - Union Pin