OBLIGATION I solemnly swear upon my honor to be true and loyal to the National Union of Marine Cooks & Stewards and to the cause of organized labor; to abide by and put into practice the principles laid down in the preamble and body of the Constitution of this union; and to obey all the rules the union may adopt. PREAMBLE The Marine Cooks & Stewards Union is organized for the purpose of improving the working and living conditions of it's members and their families, and to unite them in the struggle to attain the economic, social and political welfare of the communities in which they work and live, and of all peoples. These objects can only be fully achieved when the people of the country and of all countries, united through various labor, political and fraternal organizations, succeed in establishing an order in which the resources of the earth will be so utilized as to bring the greatest good to the greatest number. The Marine Cooks & Steward...
Take It Easy, But Take It
A blog archiving the history of struggle-based, rank-and-file led, militant trade unions through pamphlets, photos & other union ephemera. This blog focuses on C.I.O. unions (1935-1955), and the American "Left's" involvement in social movements. An injury to one is an injury to all!