I solemnly swear upon my honor to be true and loyal to the National Union of Marine Cooks & Stewards and to the cause of organized labor; to abide by and put into practice the principles laid down in the preamble and body of the Constitution of this union; and to obey all the rules the union may adopt.
The Marine Cooks & Stewards Union is organized for the purpose of improving the working and living conditions of it's members and their families, and to unite them in the struggle to attain the economic, social and political welfare of the communities in which they work and live, and of all peoples.
These objects can only be fully achieved when the people of the country and of all countries, united through various labor, political and fraternal organizations, succeed in establishing an order in which the resources of the earth will be so utilized as to bring the greatest good to the greatest number.
The Marine Cooks & Stewards Union declares that it's purpose in formulating this Constitution is:
1. To organize and unite within its ranks, irrespective of any considerations of race, nationality, religion or political opinion, the men and women who work within the jurisdiction of the Union.
2. To give fraternal assistance to the members of other trade unions, and to assist unorganized workers in the setting up of their trade unions.
3. To carry on without let-up the struggle for the decisive defeat and extermination of all fascist activity, either Governmental or non-Governmental, under whatever form it may operate and under whatever name it may be known.
4. To throw our support into the struggle against war and the causes of war, and to work for stable and enduring peace maintained and guaranteed by a powerful international organization dedicated to the prevention of war and aggression.
5. To participate fully in the common struggle of all trade unions, not only in this country but throughout the world,
(a) against encroachment on the economic and social rights of the workers and upon the democratic rights of the people;
(a) against encroachment on the economic and social rights of the workers and upon the democratic rights of the people;
(b) for the satisfaction of the need of workers for security of employment;
(c) for the progressive improvement of wages, hours, and working and living conditions of the workers.
(d) for full and adequate social security to protect the people and their families against the hazards of unemployment, sickness, accident, and old age;
(e) for the adoption of all other measures that will further the social and economic well being of the people;
(f) against the passage of any legislation intended to weaken, disrupt or destroy the trade-union movement and its progressive activities.
6. To plan and organize the education of our membership, and to awaken them to a consciousness of their individual responsibility for the realization of the purposes and aims of our organization.
In order to achieve these ends, our union bases its work on the following principles:
- Full democracy within our organization.
- Permanent Contact with affiliated trade-union organizations, fraternal support and assistance to them in their work.
- Coordination of economic and political action with other trade unions for the realization of our aims and decisions.
- Equality of opportunity for work and education for the essential values of life to all people regardless of race, nationality, religion or political opinion.
- Our basic conviction that the welfare of all mankind depends upon recognizing the dignity of the human being.
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