Agreement Between Various Steamship Companies and the National Maritime Union of America C.I.O.
Two year agreement spanning 1941-1943 for unlicensed seamen. Two sections in here stood out to me, the first regarding a ship's crew performing longshoremen's work, the other is about baking bread.
"Article I Section 19. LONGSHORE WORK BY CREW. In those outports where there are no regular longshoremen available, members of the crew may be required to drive winches for handling cargo, or may be required to handle cargo. Borsch work performed during their regular working hours, they shall be paid, in addition to their regular monthly wages, at a rate of $0.70 per hour; and for such work performed during overtime hours they shall be paid at one and one-half times the overtime rate. The phrase "regular working hours" means men on regular straight time and is not restricted to men on sea watches. This section shall not be so construed as to be applicable to any work where longshoremen are not available due to labor trouble."
"Article VIII Section 3(b) BAKING BREAD. All bread is to be made aboard ship by the second cook and baker within his regular hours."
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