"The Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America advocates and practices the program and tactics of militant industrial unionism..." 1942 Constitution - Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America C.I.O.
"We, the shipyard workers, will be able best to achieve our aims as an integral part of the working class only by combining our collective strength to defend the interests of all the workers in the industry. We must at all times maintain strong unity for the achievement of a higher standard of living, and guard all gains won by standing ever alert against any encroachment on the part of the employers of the industry.
Recognizing that craft unionism, as practiced in the past, has been proved during the course of history to be both ineffective and dangerous to the interests of the workers. The Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America advocates and practices the program and tactics of militant industrial unionism, based on the principle of One Industry - One Union. The Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America calls for the united front of all workers in the industry, regardless of creed, color, nationality, religion, sex or political affiliation. It bases itself upon the principle of rank and file control, unrestricted trade union democracy, and at all times an aggressive struggle for an ever higher standard of living.
The Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America further believes in a fraternal front with the membership of all other working class organizations which conduct activities for the furtherance of the economic, political and educational interests of the working class."
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