We Ask Justice For Our Union Leaders! - 1948 Pamphlet - International Fur & Leather Workers Union C.I.O.
"Almost from the very day that the fur workers first organized themselves into a union to fight for better working conditions, the bosses hired gangsters to smash the union. They sent their agents to disrupt it from within. They attacked the union through injunctions and court cases. They slandered and besmirched the union through the big-business controlled press. And as is their usual practice, they singled out trustworthy and militant leaders of the workers for frame-ups and persecutions - men in whom the membership had the greatest faith, leaders whose entire lives were devoted to serving the membership.
But the union survived and grew, despite violence and gangsters and lockouts of employers.
Why was it able to survive attacks as fierce as any ever aimed at a labor organization in the United States? Who were these men who could not be threatened, bribed, or slugged into submission?
The history of the I.L.F.W.U. answers these questions. We give here only a few highlights of that fighting history. In its pages are lessons that can help the labor movement beat back the Tafts and Hartleys and those they stand for."
The International Fur and Leather Workers Union, another of the 11 expelled CIO unions were among the most radical and militant of the bunch. They faced some of the most extreme oppression, including frame ups, deportation trials, arrests of leadership and violent clashes with hired goons. Philip Foner authored a massive book documenting their history.
This pamphlet is extraordinary. I intend to get a full scan of it's pages and will provide the text when I have a bit more time.
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